Unlock Your Future: Residency Options in Cyprus for Global Citizens

Explore Pathways to Establish Your Residency in Cyprus

Discover how Wealth CY can guide you through the residency process in Cyprus, ensuring a seamless transition to your new home or business venture.

Residency Permits in Cyprus

Cyprus offers a variety of residency permits tailored to meet the diverse needs of third-country nationals. The Category F Residency is ideal for retirees or those with sufficient income who do not wish to engage in employment within Cyprus. This permit allows for a peaceful life amidst the scenic beauty of Cyprus without the necessity of a local job.

On the other hand, the Category E Residency is designed for individuals looking to work or start a business in Cyprus. It requires a concrete business plan or a job offer from a Cypriot employer, making it suitable for entrepreneurs and employees alike. Additionally, the Category EPEY permit caters specifically to retirees who can prove a stable income from abroad, offering them a serene retirement in Cyprus.

Essential Requirements for Residency

Navigating the Residency Application Process

To apply for residency in Cyprus, all applicants must provide a valid passport with at least six months remaining beyond their intended stay, demonstrate sufficient financial means to support themselves and any dependents, and secure comprehensive health insurance coverage valid in Cyprus. Additionally, a clean criminal record from the country of residence is required to ensure the safety and security of the Cypriot community.

Navigating Property Purchase in Cyprus

Your Pathway to Residency

Purchasing property in Cyprus is a significant step towards securing residency for third-country citizens. Initially, thorough research is essential to identify properties that align with your needs and financial capabilities. Engaging a reputable legal expert in Cypriot property law is crucial to navigate the complexities of local real estate transactions. Viewing properties in person is recommended to assess their condition and suitability. Negotiating a purchase agreement marks the next step, followed by the critical phase of transferring the title deed, which your lawyer will facilitate to ensure legal compliance and protect your interests.

Residency Application Post-Property Acquisition

Step-by-Step Guide

After acquiring property in Cyprus, the residency application process involves several key steps. Begin by compiling all necessary documentation, including the residency application form, proof of property ownership, detailed financial statements, and valid health insurance coverage. Submit these documents to the Civil Registry and Migration Department or the relevant immigration authority in Cyprus. The processing phase may require patience, as authorities review your application and may request further information. Upon successful verification, your residency permit will be approved, granting you legal residence in Cyprus.

Ensure all documents are accurate and complete to avoid delays in the processing of your residency application. It is advisable to maintain open communication with the authorities and seek assistance from local experts if needed.

Home in Cyprus

Cyprus, known for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and favorable climate, has become an increasingly popular destination for individuals seeking to establish residency in a European country. For citizens of third countries, navigating the process of relocating to Cyprus can seem daunting, but with proper guidance and understanding of the procedures involved, it can be a smooth transition. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in setting up a home and obtaining residency in Cyprus for citizens of third countries.


  1. Understanding Residency Permits

Cyprus offers various residency permits that cater to the needs of different individuals, including third-country citizens. The most common types of residencies permit for third-country nationals include:

Category F Residency: This permit is suitable for individuals who do not intend to work or engage in business activities in Cyprus. It is typically granted to retirees or individuals with sufficient income to support themselves without relying on employment in Cyprus.

Category E Residency: This permit is designed for individuals who wish to work or engage in business activities in Cyprus. It requires the individual to have a concrete business plan or a job offer from a Cypriot employer.

Category EPEY: This permit is specific to individuals who wish to retire in Cyprus. It requires proof of stable annual income sourced from abroad.

  1. Requirements for Residency

Regardless of the type of residency permit one applies for, there are certain common requirements that applicants must fulfill, including:

Valid Passport: A valid passport with a minimum validity of six months beyond the intended stay in Cyprus.

Financial Means: Applicants must demonstrate sufficient financial means to support themselves and any dependents without recourse to public funds.

Health Insurance: Proof of comprehensive health insurance coverage valid in Cyprus.

Clean Criminal Record: Applicants must provide a certificate of good conduct issued by their country of residence.

  1. Purchasing Property

One of the most common pathways to residency in Cyprus for third-country citizens is through property investment. The following steps outline the process of purchasing property in Cyprus:

Research: Conduct thorough research to identify suitable properties that meet your requirements and budget.

Legal Assistance: Seek the assistance of a reputable lawyer specializing in property transactions to guide you through the legal aspects of the purchase.

Property Viewing: Visit the shortlisted properties in person, if possible, to assess their condition and suitability.

Purchase Agreement: Once you’ve selected a property, negotiate the terms of the purchase and sign a purchase agreement with the seller.

Title Deed Transfer: Upon completion of the purchase, the title deed transfer process begins, facilitated by your lawyer.

  1. Residency Application Process

After acquiring a property in Cyprus, third-country citizens can proceed with the residency application process, which typically involves the following steps:

Compile Documentation: Gather all necessary documentation, including the residency application form, proof of property ownership, financial statements, health insurance coverage, and a clean criminal record certificate.

Submission: Submit the completed residency application along with the required documents to the Civil Registry and Migration Department or the relevant immigration authority.

Processing: The authorities will review your application and may request additional information or documents if necessary.

Approval: Upon approval of your residency permit, you will be issued a residence card, allowing you to reside in Cyprus legally.


Establishing residency and setting up a home in Cyprus for citizens of third countries is a viable option, offering access to a high quality of life, favorable tax regime, and attractive investment opportunities. By understanding the various residency permit options, fulfilling the necessary requirements, and navigating the property purchase process effectively, individuals can successfully embark on their journey to making Cyprus their new home.


Benefits of Residency in Cyprus

A Gateway to Enhanced Lifestyle

Establishing residency in Cyprus offers third-country citizens a plethora of benefits, including access to a high quality of life, a favorable tax regime, and attractive investment opportunities. Cyprus is renowned for its beautiful landscapes, strategic location, and vibrant culture, making it an ideal place for both personal and business endeavors. The country’s commitment to maintaining a robust economic environment complements its scenic beauty, providing residents with a unique blend of lifestyle and investment benefits.

Explore Your Opportunities in Cyprus with Wealth CY